Week 1 Update

Thanks so much for all of you for “tuning in” to read my blog all this week. I’ve enjoyed reading your comments on the blog, my facebook, twitter and in person! Knowing that you’re all out there and supporting me is really helping!

Here’s how I did this week:

Sunday (New Years Day)–made bed, worked out with Biggest Loser (pulled quad), DID NOT get up early

Monday–Matt still in bed when I left (and I only hated him a little), 40 minutes on elliptical at 5:45 am

Tuesday–made bed, worked out with Biggest Loser (later realized I had pulled my quad) at 5:45 am with the whole family. I don’t know why the kids were awake, but it ended up being nice because we all had breakfast together & Matt made pepperoni eggs.

Wednesday–made bed, lifted weights at 6:20 for 10 minutes (resting quad)

Thursday–made bed, worked out with Biggest Loser at 5:45 am

Friday–Matt still in bed when I left, 40 minutes on elliptical at 5:45

Saturday–got up kinda early, made bed, rode 20 miles on my bike (!) with Matt & my dad

This week’s goals are as follows:

–Come up with written schedule for posting

–Continue taking pictures for next week’s Ladies Room Fashion Show

–Clean up my room. Making my bed is great, but this hit a little close to home.

Week One Photo Update:



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