Blogs I love

I’ve been a daily blog reader for the past 4 years or so.  I now have a handful of blogs that I follow on a regular basis.  A few years ago, my friend, Melissa, said that one of the reasons she likes Facebook is that, as a stay at home mom, it’s her “water cooler.”  What (I think) she meant was that it’s a way to stay connected to adults when she’s at home all day with her kiddos.  I actually find that the opposite is true for me–I check a couple of family-life blogs a day during my breaks from work to stay connected to family life.  For the record, I never get on blogs when I have kids in the classroom or when I’m suposed to be working on something, but when I get those few minutes each day to breathe, I find that reading a blog or two soothes my soul.  As a teacher, I need that.

Anyway, I thought you might like to see some of the blogs I follow–mostly so that you’ll know for sure that most of the ideas for this blog were someone else’s great idea first. Here’s a list of women who inspire me:

The first blog I started following religiously (for those of you who read this one, enjoy that pun) was MoneySavingMom.  This blog is written by a woman named Crystal.  She posts deals, freebies, motherly advice and encouragement.  Because of the nature of her domain name this is one I can access at work, so it’s a blog I read daily.

The second blog I picked up to follow on an almost-daily basis is Jen’s Balancing Beauty & Bedlam.  This blog changed my life and it can change yours, too.  Jen does amazing things with second hand clothing.  Since becoming a daily reader of her blog, I’ve bought almost all my clothes second hand.  She teaches you how to shop garage sales, thrift stores, and second hand shops.  And her home decor is amazing!

The third blog I started following/stalking is Jessica Quirk’s What I Wore.  Another awesome, awesome blog.  Jessica is a woman who lives and breathes fashion–AND she’s from Indiana, so she totally gets seasonal dressing. Buy her book, rearrange your closet and check out her amazing outfits daily.  I actually got to meet Jessica in person at a book signing over the summer.  She is as beautiful in person as she is in her pictures, and she was so gracious and kind.  We’re so lucky to have her in Indiana!!

From a mommy stand-point, it doesn’t get any better than Melissa from Dear Baby.  Melissa is a working mom whose style I really admire.  Of all the blogs on this list, she’s the one I’d most like to spend an afternoon with–her love for her little family is poured into each post.  I can only imagine what her children will think when they read their mother’s words one day.

I’ve followed Rebecca’s Fosterhood NYC journey for over a year.  Her dedication to her foster daughter, Jacket (name changed to protect the adorable), post reunification is nothing short of inspiring.

I also have some personal friends who blog on a regular to semi-regular basis:

Melissa is a local photographer whom I am fortunate enough to call my friend.  Her blog features photos from her latest shoots as well stories about her sweet family.

My adorable husband is attempting to blog.  We’ll see how it goes.  He’s a way-gifted writer, he just needs to sit down and DO IT.

My sister-in-law, Jen, has a blog that she updates occasionally.  Her son Koko and her daughter Tiny (names changed to protect the adorable) will probably be mentioned frequently on this blog.  Check them out–they’re CUTE!

My friend Ratina has begun a blog through her weight loss journey.  She’s just started, so it’s a great time to jump on board and support her.

Stephanie, my old college roomie blogs about her awesome family when she gets a chance.  Her blog has lots of sweet mommy-ness and she’s hilarious.  Win/win.

Sara hasn’t blogged since July, JULY people, but when she does, she’s so funny and honest and awesome….I was thinking maybe if I put her on the list she’d start blogging again :).

My friend Sue’s husband Justin’s little sister, Lauren, (who has become my friend) has a beautiful blog. She posts recipes, home and design ideas and family life posts.  This is especially nice because she and her husband currently live in Canada, so it gives all us Hoosiers a chance to keep up with her.

That’s all I can think of for right now–if I’ve forgotten anyone that I follow regularly, I do apologize.  If you have a blog of your own, won’t you please leave a comment with a link–I’d love to see what other people are doing!!

Ariel & The Flash

Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise and call her blessed.

My little blog is getting some attention and that’s AWESOME. I’ve been careful not to mention my children by name thus far, referring to them only as “my son” or “my daughter” or “the kids.” Due to safety reasons, a lot of bloggers choose not to use their children’s real names.

I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I really like the way the Frugalistic Mom does it best–she calls each of her kiddos by a nickname. This seems both safe and fun to me. I decided to go with nicknames that I know my children would love.

Without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce to you…………


The Flash & Ariel

I’m looking forward to being able to discuss my children on the blog without having to fear (any more than I normally do) for their safety. I guess you could say “Names changed to protect the adorable.”


The Flash is currently 4 years old. He enjoys watching movies, playing with legos, playing with his buddies Fohawk, Koko & Lego (I gave his friends nicknames, too), playing games on his new (to him) iPod Touch (more on that later), and playing with his baby sister, Ariel.


This picture refuses to center. I have no idea why.

Ariel is currently 2 years old. She enjoys all things Ariel, princesses, playing with duplos, playing with her buddies Strawberry Shortcake, Tiny & Flipper (also gave her friends nicknames), playing mermaids on her new (to her) iPod touch, and playing with the greatest brother on the face of the earth (in her eyes), The Flash.

For the record, I’ll still call Matt, “Matt” and if I ever mention the dogs, their names are Sophie & Rowdy.


That’s “my baby Rowdy,” as Ariel calls him. I love that dog more than I should. He’s really not very well behaved :).