Crazy-Ridiculous List of Things I Want to Accomplish Because I’m Home with a Sick Kid

She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27

Well, The Flash made it all the way to my awesome babysitter’s house before vomiting all over the porch.  The good news is that she was totally cool about it.  I ran over to school and put some lesson plans together so that my kids at school would have good stuff to do today and even managed to get  a sub for today (thanks to the ladies in the office, my student teacher, my awesome babysitter and whoever my sub is for today for helping me out at school today).

So I’m home today and while I’ll be spending most of my time caring for my sick boy, I can probably squeeze in some crazy-ridiculousness.  Here’s what I’d like to accomplish today:

–Wash all of The Flash’s clothes from today, coat included (yuck)

Finish off the laundry from the weekend now that the pipes seem to be working (yea!)

–Put away all the clean clothes

Put away the dishes in the sink

Make cherry limeade

Keep Vomity McVomiterson out of the cherry limeade (it’s red and stains everything) So far so good.

Make vitamin water for The Flash

Make Jello

Keep Ariel entertained and away from The Flash This involved me bringing in the water table and filling it up in the kitchen.  But hey, people, desperate times call for desperate measures.

–Run 40 minutes on elliptical machine

–Work on some stuff for Master’s Classes

Make freezer enchiladas

–Deal with the giant (I swear, it’s growing) pile of papers on my table.

This list may be a little ambitious, seeing as it’s taken me almost an hour to write it and I’ve been interrupted many, many times by my little guy.  Taking care of him (and his stinky sister) is definitely at the top of my list today!

Weight Loss Wednesdays

Last week I promised to tell you about the last “key” to my weight loss.  It’s pretty simple: faith.  It sounds so simple and yet it’s so complex. I knew that The Bible was the best place to start but I never know where to start.  Now that I’m working on this Proverbs 31 thing, I think I’d have a better handle on it now, but this was back in June and I wasn’t where I am today.

Fortunately, I found a fantastic book that helped guide me though the process in a faith-based way.  Candace Cameron Bure, yup, DJ from Full House grew up, got married, became an awesome Christian, lost a ton of weight, kept it off, became a mom, started working on Make it or Break it, and wrote a book (maybe not in that order).   This book is full of tips, tricks, good solid weight loss advice, and best of all, is completely faith based.  I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Here are a couple of my favorite pieces of advice (paraphrased):

–Most people over eat.  When dieting, they replace delicious “bad food” with tasteless “good food.”  They say things like “I can eat all the carrots and celery I want.”  Why would you eat all the carrots and celery you want–you’re not breaking bad over-eating habits, you’re just replacing bad food with good food.  Eventually, you’ll given into your cravings and be right back where you started from?  Why eat all the carrots and celery that you “want?  Why not just eat all the carrots and celery that you need?

–Exercise and healthy eating should be a family affair.  This isn’t ground-breaking, but she’s got great advice on this topic.  She also shares practical advice for Christian working moms.

–God should be a part of your weight loss journey.  He’s your best chance for success.  Candace includes a ton of great scripture to enlighten, encourage, motivate and challenge you with your weight loss and maintenance.

So, if you have the means, go buy Reshaping It All by Candace Cameron Bure–or check it out at your local library.  Mine had a copy and maybe yours will, too.

Week 3 Update

As you can read here, this week has been pretty much insanity. Here’s how I did:

Sunday: Made bed, rested

Monday: Made bed (MLK Jr. Day), 40 minutes on elliptical machine

Tuesday: Made bed (I really did), worked out with Biggest Loser

Wednesday: Made bed, worked out with Biggest Loser

Thursday: Made bed, did not work out. Decided extra half hour of sleep was more important

Friday: Did not make bed, worked out to make up for not working out Thursday

Saturday: Made bed, worked out with Biggest Loser, 40 minutes on elliptical machine to make up for Friday

Despite the pipes, the leaky roof, the furnace (did I not mention the furnace? apparently something’s wrong with the humidifier–someone’s coming tomorrow to work on it) the pipes again, it really wasn’t a bad week at all. And I have to say, working out and then running on the elliptical machine made me feel AWESOME. We’ve also been hanging out with some pretty awesome people lately and that’s making me really, really happy.

Now for the obligatory awkward photos. These had better be worth it when this is all over:



FINALLY, I managed to get Rowdy in the background of one of my pictures. He’s always running around while I’m snapping these and I finally managed to catch him. He’s the small blur in the background.

Update on goals from last week:

Make freeze-ahead Cavatini Two of them!
Get up earlier than the rest of the family tomorrow, even though I have it off.This was another one of those “Just barely” moments, but I’m still counting on it.
Clean up Ariel’s room. And get it to stay that way for more than 5 minutes.I don’t think it stayed that way for long, but it’s better.
–LAUNDRY!…………well, you need pipes to do that, so……………

Goals for this week:

–Make February Menu
–Make February Blog Plan
–Make something yummy for student teacher’s last day
–Deal with all that paper (mail, etc) I’ve been avoiding

And because you’re such AWESOME readers, I leave you with this picture of Ariel’s first tea party with, well, Ariel.


Week Two Update

This week went really well–except that The Flash was little bit sick for part of it. I’m lucky to have a husband who can take a half day occasionally so that I don’t have to miss a whole day of work! It’s especially important for me be there in the morning to teach math and it’s important for Matt to be at work in the afternoon for worship band practice, so it all works out. God is good, and The Flash is on the mend!


Maybe starting to see some results??


Ignore that unmade bed in the background :).

Here’s how I did this week:

Monday–Husband still in bed when I left, 40 minutes on elliptical machine
Tuesday–Made bed, worked out in morning
Wednesday–Husband awake and working in bed when I left, Lifted weights
Thursday–Made bed, worked out in morning
Friday–Total fail. Lazed around in bed hoping for two-hour delay and ended up getting up too late to work out. Also, husband still in bed when I left. Lesson learned. I’m supposed to be getting up while it’s night.
Saturday–Made bed, worked out (with Ariel. Adorbs.)
Sunday–Didn’t make bed because awesome husband made it for me! Maybe going to work out tonight. Fingers crossed.

Update on goals from last week:

–Come up with written schedule for posting
–Continue taking pictures for next week’s Ladies Room Fashion Show
—Came back to haunt me, but check. Buy new mirror and take pictures at home from now on (which, let’s be honest with ourselves, is a better idea). Check.
–Clean up my room. Making my bed is great, but this hit a little close to home.
—CHECK. Awesome husband and I made major progress in this area. Stay tuned next week for the full story.

Goals for this week:

–Make freeze-ahead Cavatini
–Get up earlier than the rest of the family tomorrow, even though I have it off.
–Clean up Ariel’s room. And get it to stay that way for more than 5 minutes.

Crazy-Ridiculous List of Things I want to Accomplish Today Because I’m Insane

Oh, the weather outside is weather! And it’s toasty warm in my house! And since we don’t really have any plans…..let’s not have idle hands, idle hands, idle hands!

She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27

My “crazy ridiculous list of things I want to accomplish today because I’m insane” went over like gangbusters the other day–for me. Seeing that loooong list and watching myself tick things off kept my hands from being “idle.” I didn’t get everything on it done, but I accomplished a lot more than I would have with out it. And since it’s freezing out there today and The Flash has an ear infection (& Ariel is still running around in her skivvys) I thought it’d be a great day to get some projects done around the house to keep my hands from being “idle.”

Post this blog

–Write at least 2 blogs for next week

Make Potato Soup in the Croc Pot for lunch tomorrow

Go to Wal-Mart (I cry a little at this one. I don’t want to go!)

REALLY finish grading those papers this time

REALLY workout this time

(I think those were the only two things I didn’t get done on Wednesday)

Put the soap I made the other day into containers now that’s really done

–Cut off/sew up curtains for living room

–Put up new curtains in living room

–Use bottom of living room curtains to make curtains for dining room

–Put up new curtains in dining room

–Decide if I like new curtains in dining room

–Turn ginormous pants from the other day into skinnys

–Turn grey pants into skinny pants

–Fix broken dress

–Run elliptical machine

Clean up the play room

–Fold & put away laundry in the dryer

Put up art work the kids made the other day in the playroom

Watch movies/snuggle/wrestle/enjoy time with family

Make Matt look at cute things Rowdy does (mwah ha ha)

Conversations I had with Matt when typing this post:

Me: Can I say “gangbusters” in a post?
Matt: You want to know it’s orgin?
Me: Yeah, look that up.
Matt: (proceeds to look up, finds definition here)
Me: Oh, so it’s all one word. (fixes spelling)

Matt: (looks over at my computer screen) YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH THINGS TODAY?!
Me: Yeah.
Matt: I was hoping to lay around and do nothing.
Me: It’s just sewing and groceries and stuff.
Matt: (visibly relieved) Okay. (probably thinks this in his head: “Oh thank God. She can’t ask me to ask her sew. I’ll probably get to play a lot of Skyrim today. Score.”)


Me: This has got to be better than watching TV together on a Saturday morning.
Matt: All of our minds are actively engaged in something.
Me: Yeah, this is good (goes back to blogging).

Crazy-Ridiculous List of Things I Want to Accomplish Today Because I’m Insane

The Flash is home today with a fever/cough. When a kid gets sick on Wednesdays, we split the day. Matt takes the first half and I take the second. Anyway, I’m home with my kiddos for the rest of the day and I have about a million things I want to accomplish. Here is that list in no particular order:

Post this blog.

Make the counter not look like this:


Make & freeze Mexican Lasagna

Make & freeze regular lasagna

Work on some stuff for school (college)

–Grade those papers I’ve had in my bag since Friday


Finish tomorrow’s blog post

Make hand soap

Possibly hang out with brother (didn’t happen, Ariel now has fever, too)

Finish blog plan for January

Call LA

Make dinner

Figure out something fun to do with kids (i.e. Pinterest)

Refill popcorn container

Get rid of left over Christmas cookie containers

Take down last Christmast tree (it’s little, sue me) and put away

Stay tuned today as I’ll be updating as I get things done.  I know you’re as excited about this as I am.

Week 1 Update

Thanks so much for all of you for “tuning in” to read my blog all this week. I’ve enjoyed reading your comments on the blog, my facebook, twitter and in person! Knowing that you’re all out there and supporting me is really helping!

Here’s how I did this week:

Sunday (New Years Day)–made bed, worked out with Biggest Loser (pulled quad), DID NOT get up early

Monday–Matt still in bed when I left (and I only hated him a little), 40 minutes on elliptical at 5:45 am

Tuesday–made bed, worked out with Biggest Loser (later realized I had pulled my quad) at 5:45 am with the whole family. I don’t know why the kids were awake, but it ended up being nice because we all had breakfast together & Matt made pepperoni eggs.

Wednesday–made bed, lifted weights at 6:20 for 10 minutes (resting quad)

Thursday–made bed, worked out with Biggest Loser at 5:45 am

Friday–Matt still in bed when I left, 40 minutes on elliptical at 5:45

Saturday–got up kinda early, made bed, rode 20 miles on my bike (!) with Matt & my dad

This week’s goals are as follows:

–Come up with written schedule for posting

–Continue taking pictures for next week’s Ladies Room Fashion Show

–Clean up my room. Making my bed is great, but this hit a little close to home.

Week One Photo Update:



Goals–January 2012

My first goal for January 2012 comes from Proverbs 31 verse 17:

She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.

To accomplish this goal, I have started the 8 week “Armed & Dangerous” program on our Biggest Loser Game (game? that can’t be right) on X-Box Kinect.  I love this program for a lot of reasons.  First, using the Kinect is literally like employing a personal trainer.  It can see you and encourage you to move faster, pull your body into the appropriate position, track your reps, etc.  Second, it designs the program for you based on how many times per week you want to exercise.

I’ve been running on my elliptical machine  for forty minutes two times per week consistently last semester while watching Ugly Betty  and this is a habit that I truly enjoy.  I plan to continue doing this on Monday and Friday mornings like I have been, but will be adding the “Armed & Dangerous” 20 minute program Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to meet another Proverbs 31 goal from verse 15:

She rises when it is yet night.

Which is not one I’m looking forward to.  I’m a classic sleeper-iner.  I love, love, love to stay up late (like really late) and sleep late.  I’ve trained my babies to be the same way.  Case-in-point: all three of us have slept until 10 whenever possible this Christmas Break.  Accomplishing this goal is really easy this time of year because it’s basically night all day (okay, maybe just from like 4:30 pm to 8 am), but I’m taking it a step further accomodate the additional “Armed & Dangerous” workouts.  I will definitely be revisiting this goal in the summer when it will truly be a challenge for me.  Right now, if I’m being honest, it’s kind of a one-off.

My third goal for January comes from Proverbs 31 verse 22:

She makes bed coverings for herself….

This is where the whole “modern twist” comes in–a couple of years ago, Matt and I a really pretty comforter set which has been on the floor of our bedroom ever since.  I’ve probably fully “made” our bed (not just pulled up the down comforter) 10 times in the last 2 years.  This is after a lifetime of being a diligent bed-maker at the request of my mother.  Since we’ve been married, I’ve done a terrible job with this, so my third goal for January is to make my bed all the way to the pillows 5 days a week.  Why 5 days a week? Because 2 days a week, my worship pastor husband is still in there when I leave for work :).

So, those are my goals for January.  I’ll be posting updates through out the month, so be sure to check back and hold me accountable!


Goals for 2012:

Personal Goals:

–Gain new perspective and deeper relationship with God, Matt & kids through living principles taught in Proverbs 31

–Be better wife, mother, house-keeper, etc.

–Maintain weight, gain strength and endurance

–Ride bike 1,000 miles

Professional Goals:

–Maintain organized classroom with warm, caring environment

–Work with students individually and in small groups to fill in gaps and boost ISTEP scores

–ISTEP scores for my students (LA & Math) at or above 85% passing

–Maintain 4.0 in Master’s classes

–Continue to seek and grow professionally through the use of technology in the classroom

Blog Goals:

–Post goals for the new month of the first day of every month

–Post update on previous month’s goals on the last day of the month

–Post semi-daily (we’ll see how this goes) on progress towards goals